Couples Counselling

Do you have a difficult relationship with your partner? Would you like it to improve? Sometimes relationships go into decline, whether its due to the arrival of children, infidelity or simply growing apart.

Susannah will jointly explore your relationship concerns with yourself and your spouse, whilst deploying an impartial and non-judgmental intermediary. 


Depression/Stress Counselling

Are you feeling overwhelmed or anxious? Or have you suffered a recent loss? Talking to Susannah in confidence may aide your healing process and assist you on your road to recovery.


Pre-Marriage Counselling

Are you on the verge of getting married? Are you feeling anxious about your wedding day?

If you want to start your marriage on the right footing, then pre-marriage counselling is for you. You will gain insight into your partner as well as gaining strategies for overcoming any obstacles before your big day.

Are there children involved? Pre-marriage counselling can help you to understand their feelings too.


Relationship Concerns

Are you contemplating separation or divorce? When separating, many couples have found it helpful to talk to Susannah. This could be as a couple, or individually.

Are there children involved? Is their behaviour becoming challenging because you and your partner are separating?

You may want to discuss your anger, or frustration about your relationship, or you may need to talk about how to map a new future for yourself.


Regardless of your concerns make that first step towards an improved life.